Robin Pecknold has conquered a few covers in his short time as Fleet Foxes are somewhat modern folk's answer to the voices of Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young. Their perfect pitch harmonies echo around venues and he sang 'Katie Cruel', originally by Karen Dalton, without a mic, a cappella, on the edge of the stage on the majority of their tour last year. Pitchfork released the news last week that Pecknold will be breaking away from Fleet Foxes and will go on tour later this month with country singer Joanna Newsom. Robin's voice is a mix of powerful notes and sweet tones and on this record he unleashes a new side to the song itself. Timid on stage, it is such a beautiful surprise when he belts out 'Ragged Wood' and then resides on tracks such as 'Tiger Mountain Pleasant Song' and 'Oliver James', all of which are on their debut album, Fleet Foxes.
'On a Good Day'
This is a video from the French bloggers La Blogotheque, who have also taken to bands such as Bon Iver when they are visiting Paris. This video shows the range of Pecknold's voice as well as the musical talent of the other memebers of the group, improvising with random instruments and using the Grand Palais acoustics to elevate their harmonies.
He also wears the best checked shirts, flannel mostly, in an array of different colours. The band don't seem too focused on their image which is a breath of fresh air these days, and I managed to get my hands on a similar shirt to Robin's two years ago in Rokit, Covent Garden for a mere £10. It's still one of my favourite vintage pieces to this day.
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