On the cover on this months Vogue, Alexa Chung is slouched on a stool in a pair of ripped denim jeans with black Chanel clogs (another one to watch out for). Inside, she describes her love for all things denim and I couldn’t help but both agree with her and feel overwhelmingly jealous. While us mere mortals scour the high street for that perfect pair of jeans to emulate the comfort of our Levis 501 hand-me-downs, Alexa notes that she found her dream pair at Balenciaga. At that’s all it will be for us, a dream.
The denim shirt has exploded into every store this season (Topshop, Topman, New Look and Primark to name but a few), but it has been present in fashion since it was almost a uniform for hippies in the 70s at Woodstock and has also been filtering down from the catwalks over the past few seasons. SS10 catwalks saw troops of models clad head to toe in denim, but the shirt was the piece that shone through.

Denim shirts are widely available from designer to high street but all seem very similar- it’s how you wear it that stands out. To revamp the classic 70s look, try adding lace into the mix. By attaching a strip of lace under the collar and across the shoulders, it immediately updates this classic look and adds a modern twist.

The denim shirt will last for seasons to come and is a great item to have in multiple shades and shapes as this will allow you to either look chilled out for a day look. With the right belt and shoes can transform into an evening silhouette-just remember to back away from the cowboy boots.
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